Welcome To Our Virtual Classroom

Over the years Cheshire Canine Services has gone from strength to strength. We deliver more brilliant classes than ever before with a top-notch varied timetable and we support more dogs through 1:1 sessions. We are proud to offer our Virtual Classroom to our members, whether they visit us in person or join us specifically online.

Online Memberships give you full access to our Members Only Facebook Page with our Training vault exercises, an invitation to our online Masterclasses where we look at different aspects of training and specific skills, and of course our LIVE training classes run by our instructors.

Virtual classroom


£30 Per month

Varied Timetable to suit your busy life

Obedience & Activity Classes anytime

40 minute classes with instruction and observation

Suitable training at home or in the park

If you are outside of our Geographic area, unable to travel or want the best training without leaving the house, then we provide the service for you. Real Dog Training memberships have created a better system that provides quality training that can be accessed by everyone. This service is the online version of the 'Access All Areas Membership". In our Virtual Classroom we cover all your expectations and needs by:

Providing Classes for all levels of Obedience including Positions, Recall and Control

Helping to learn the importance of rewarding and applying that in real life situations

Providing foundation games to build good responses, and developing these to more advanced training

Providing Activities like Scentwork, Drive Building, Focus, Engagement and Fitness

perfect start puppy course

Virtual Membership

£30 per month

Training and Support for Pups up to 12 months old

30 minute instructor meeting when you join

Home Management planning and key routines

Behaviour Modification

Training Instruction and Observation via Virtual Classroom every week

If you are looking to avoid the pitfalls with your puppy and want a life of fulfillment and enjoyment then you are in the right place!

Correcting Management and socialising to avoid unwanted behaviours

Spectator Pass to all of the other virtual classroom training so you can watch and try more advanced training and new activites.

Learning foundation exercises to help with training as your pup grows

Learning basic obedience positions and applying them to everyday life

Developing a strong bond through suitable play to enable greater control and good response

Contact Us

There is nothing else out there like this, nothing that even comes close to the level of training and support that you and your dog will get by being a member of Cheshire Canine Service's REAL DOG TRAINING Membership, and we can't wait to welcome you on board and get started with the UK's first, only and BEST dedicated dog owner's membership programme.